Saturday, May 29, 2010


Well we had an assignment due in Art 104 today for Lighting Situations. We had to do some natural lighting situations at different times of the day. Then we had to do some indoor/artificial lighting situations. Here are mine.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

New Camera= Better Photos!

Yes! It's true! I finally bought a new camera, it is a Canon Rebel XS best investment I've ever made! It arrived at my apartment yesterday afternoon. As I was quickly tearing the box open, but gentle enough not the hurt the precious cargo that was carefully carried here from several thousand miles away. Squealing in my mother's ear, who was on the phone with me at the time, I joyfully, slowly, carefully, patiently, took the the smooth black plastic camera from it's box and held it close. Embracing it, it had dawned on me that I had class I was to attend in promptly 30 minutes which I still had to finish the homework for. So I speedily put the camera together and into its brand new leather case and ran to the guys apartment to finish the assignment. I knew that the quicker I went then the quicker the time would fly by till I would be able to occupy myself with my new toy =) So I did just that. Right after my 3:20 appointment with my Religion professor I ran home to once again cherish my beauty.

After an Hour of this nonsense I convinced Amy - My roommate/Boyfriend's Brother's Fiance - to go shooting with me. We walked around Rexburg. I taught her how to use my Minolta Camera as I was learning how to use my new Rebel. It was so much fun, and proved to be a well worth-while trip.
These are the photos I took with my camera. Later this week Amy and I will go develop her film and I might convince her to let me post her shots. Till then.. here ya go =)

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Depth & Motion

This week our assignments were Depth of field (Short, and Long), as well as Motion (Stop motion, &/or Motion Revealed). With my camera I was able to get a couple of depth shots, but as far as motion goes, well I'm still learning my camera. The relationship between us is still growing. =)