Thursday, July 29, 2010

I will be in Arizona!

Hey sorry I haven't posted anything for a while. My Photoshop has died, and I have working my way to a new one. Also, I will be in Arizona for August 13th and 14th if anyone would like a photoshoot, just let me know =)
Love you all!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Cutest Couple Contest- Jessica Drew Photography

 A photographer friend of mine is holding a "Cutest Couple Contest" you can enter to win and then later she will be holding a voting for a winner. The prize is a free mini shoot. Keep in mind, she lives in Arizona. here is her site

Thursday, July 15, 2010

American Patriotism

Well this week our Final Portfolios were due for our Art 104 Class. This was my final project. American Patriotism. I ended up getting a "B" grade on it, due to the time of day that I took some of these photos. But the rest of my class loved it. I was very excited to do this project, and I hope you enjoy it.
American Patriotism